Ukuleles are enjoying renewed popularity at the moment. I’m sure this partly due to acts like The British Ukulele Orchestra and TV coverage like the recent Frank Skinner program ( yeah, I haven’t seen it yet either , but I’m told it was very good ! ). Although I can barely hold a tune on the uke, I can definitely see the attraction. They sound great, look great ( especially the banjo ones 🙂 and have the sort of portability and light weight , us bluegrass banjo players can only dream of. You could carry one of these around town , get on and off buses , play a gig , ….play two gigs even ! And not arrive home feeling like you’ve just finished a coal round.
Anyway, I’ve just finished fixing up some banjo ukes for the Union Music Store in Lewes. Its a great little shop ran by a couple of genuine music enthusiasts . The shop isn’t huge but they manage to pack a lot into it, including live bands ( usually old time and country music ), instruments , capos , imported cd’s and even a range of shirts and cowboy boots. Oh, and they’re friendly , they don’t mind browesers.
This little John Grey uke had been played quite hard at the start of its life and then ( like many ukes ) slept for many years waiting to be rediscovered. It looks pretty unhappy in the before pics but is all ‘better’ again now , playing in tune and sounding grand 🙂 .
I think a lot of people will be getting ukuleles for Christmas this year.

